
journey of pakistan hestorical place chokhandi tombs with hafsa malik

journey of pakistan ll hestorical place ll chokhandi tombs ll with hafsa malik

Principles of Words Generally, the graves are also attributed to the Jokiyo (sheep haka) and are known as the graveyard of the Jokoiyo Hanbi family, although other, mainly Baloch, tribesmen have also been buried. They were originally built during the Mughal rule in the 15th and 18th centuries when Islam prevailed. Art of construction
 Tom Tubbus is notable for this type of cemetery in Sindh due to its crushing and central north-south orientation. The more spacious tombs are built with a buff-colored sandstone, which has been placed significantly over time, often in dangerous environments. The tombs were built as a single tomb or as one of the other tombs, raised on a common platform. A typical sarcophagus consists of six vertical slabs, with two long slabs on each side of the tomb indicating the length of the body and the remaining vertical slabs on the head and feet. These six slabs consist of six maximum vertical slabs which are covered by another circophagus but in smaller size, giving a pyramid shape. The upper box is further covered with four or five horizontal slabs and the top construction is fixed vertically along its north end, often known as a crown or a turban. Tombs depend on geometric designs and shapes, including representations of hills such as representations of hills, hunting scenes, weapons and ornaments.

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